Our 2020 Year Reflection- Making the Best out of the Worst Year

Whew! What a year it has been. From a global pandemic to the election of the first female vice president the United States has ever seen, we have had many, MANY ups and downs. While it may seem like the majority of this year was filled with downs, it is important that we do celebrate the achievements of 2020. 

Here at KN, we chose to stay as optimistic as we possibly could during these uncertain times. Even if that meant working for hours and hours looking at the same screen, we did our best to continue working hard and striving to have the best year yet to kick off the decade. 

Our growing, but still all – women, team worked hard day in and day out and we can proudly say that all our efforts have been paying off. All through this year we have grown so much more, with sophisticated yet kick 🦵 ass women all over the world rocking their very own meaningful KN piece! It means so much to see hardworking, inspirational women wearing a KN design and it feels as though the love and care that goes into making each piece of KN jewellery is being celebrated.

So thank you, thank you for taking the time to read our blog posts, to like our instagram posts, to send us a small message after you received your pieces. Thank you for being so supportive! Let’s check out some KN highlights of 2020: 

The Maya Mangalsutra 

We kicked of this year with the launch of the Maya mangalsutra, which I had designed initially for the stunning Priyanka Karki, who’s wedding took place just this year. The launch kicked off quite a storm! I had requests upon requests to sell it and before I knew it the Maya had become one of the most celebrated mangalsutras in Nepal! With time we’ve seen all kinds of duplicates being flaunted on social media, it was apparent that the design was loved by all of you. But the authenticity of a KN mangalsutra is truly irreplaceable as it’s the original that was born out of my mind with special meaning to us and hopefully to you.



The Mangalsutra Collection 

Wow! Seeing the reaction, support and love this collection got from you all is truly mind blowing, so thank you for giving it the warmest of welcomes! We received messages, emails, instagram posts and even some duplicates ;). The team had been counting down the (stressful) days until the launch for the longest time as Covid made all plans go on a roller coaster! It would’ve been easier to just give up but we got to work and came up with the Asha, Esha, Sunkissed and Tara mangalsutras! 

Collaborations and Celebrations 


One of the best parts of 2020 was collaborating with some gorgeous, strong and talented women! Beautiful Prakriti Shrestha was the first to wear her Esha Mangalsutra which was an immediate bestseller and launch inventory sold out just in a few days! From customizing a Tara mangalsutra for the radiant Ms Barsha Rawat to having the ravishing Ms Swastima Khadka rock her very own Asha mangalsutra, we have worked with the most inspiring and down to earth women! Elegant and Stunning Namrata shrestha has always been a KN Muse and we are so happy that she chose to wear the award winning KN Laligurans for the Dilwali festivities along with our charming Priyanka Karki! Here at KN we always make it a point to work with women who spread a strong, positive message and who we feel is a perfect representation of a KN woman: someone smart, hardworking and elegant. And we hope to continue working with other KN women throughout 2021! 

KN Wins 

As some of you may have read in our previous posts, this year was very successful for us in the competition industry too! We brought back Not 1, not 2 BUT 3 AWARDS in Singapore’s Pre Loved to Treasure Jewellery Competition!

🏆 FIRST place in the Design category with “Flight of Fantasy ”. This is the category which was purely judged by the judges only. It was such a wonderful surprise!

🏆 FIRST place in People’s choice award for the “Flight of Fantasy”

🏆 SECOND place in People’s choice award again with the “Metamorphosis” 

We could go on and talk about the small wins we have had this year but more importantly, please remember to ALWAYS strive to make the best of every single situation. When it’s toughest to do so, that’s when it’s always most important. It’s all possible, with just a little bit of hope.

We have grown so much as a family, with new members coming in on instagram, facebook and even pinterest! So from my side to yours, I hope you have had a year filled with love and strength, and together, let’s all look forward to 2021. Here’s to making it the best one yet🥂



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